Remixe 28 Dez. 2008 New K-OS Remix by Herr KaschkeK-OS is inviting musicians around the world to mix the stems for the 11 songs that will be featured on… 3typen
Diary 14 Dez. 2008 What about a Muppet Show Game…While waiting on this Multipplayeropenworldmassakerentertainmentfamilygame since 1989 when the Muppet Show Adventure was annouced for c64 and Pc we could… 3typen
Diary 12 Dez. 2008 Nintendo PapercraftP4P3R, P4P3R, P4P3R! From Consoles like the Nintendo 64 Console to Mario's Cars and Zelda. They got everything... You even… 3typen