Gamemusic, Production, Remixe 17 Nov. 2016 17 Nov. 2016 Rumblepack Games: Flappy BastiFür dein neues Lieblingsspiel "Flappy Basti" des Rumble Pack Podcast, wandelten wir das beliebte von 3typen
Gamemusic, Production, Songwriting 08 Nov. 2016 Ghost in the Shell 2 Innocence Tribute „Europa“ | 3typenMusic: "Europa" written and produced by 3typen Video: Ghost in the Shell 2 Innocence ( by Mamoru Oshii ( 3typen
Gamemusic, Production, Songwriting 08 Nov. 2016 Gemini – On the Soulder of TitansMusic: "Gemini" written and produced by 3typen Video: Footagevideo by NASA, edited by 3typen 3typen