Februar 20, 2008 3typen

Halo Warz – If they want music, they’ll get music…

Yeah! This is the official titel for our halo wars trailer edit. Trailer edit? No we didnt change any scene in this trailer which is well edited and had a nice story but…what about this masterchief-core-musik in the foreground? Yes we created it. Yes we played the guitars. No we cant play like garry moore…

  • The guitars are a custom gibson and a yamaha drop A.
  • The drums are programmed and treaten by a monkey on acid in a experiment. no the ape is allright…
  • Mixed and recorded with affordable software & hardware

[soundcloud url=“http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/9832598″ iframe=“true“ /]

watch the video at youtube.

Music by 3typen, Vid left original.

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