Diary, Songwriting, Uncategorized 01 Apr. 2014 SAY Y34H | 3typenSay Y34H Produced, Recorded by 3typen Pictures taken from Attack From Space (1959) by Director Koreyoshi Akasaka released under Creative… 3typen
Gamemusic, Production, Songwriting 3typen - For the cause (Crytek Warface) 22 März 2012 Why? For the CauseEverything for our loss everything just a count for the cause everybody for the loss everybody is a count for… 3typen
Songwriting 26 Apr. 2009 Christina Stürmer dreht sich im KreisDas neue Album von Christina Stürmer "In dieser Stadt" wollte nicht erscheinen, ohne das "Im Kreis" (Text & Musik: 3typen)… 3typen
Songwriting 25 Apr. 2009 Stan Four – Arm dranAber nicht so schlimm. "In your arms" erobert Platz 15 der deutschen Singlecharts. Erdacht und zu Papier gebracht im Hause… 3typen
Gamemusic 20 Feb. 2008 Halo Warz – If they want music, they’ll get music…Yeah! This is the official titel for our halo wars trailer edit. Trailer edit? No we didnt change any scene… 3typen